Imagination Fascination
Imagine. It’s a simple command. Imagine whatever you want to imagine. Though it’s a simple command, sometimes it’s forgotten. People today are so busy that they forget their imagination; it’s like giving up on life. Without ideas, there would be nothing. In the “Never Ending Story,” written by Michael Ende and directed by Wolfgang Peterson, there is an entire world dedicated to things people made up. This world is fantastic, it’s has everything you could possibly imagine, but there’s something coming. There’s a great Nothing sweeping over Fantasia. If people lost imagination forever what would the world by like? Today, science is a big part of life. We teach it in our schools, we dedicate lives to it, we spend a lot of money on it. People are fascinated with science, but it can’t prove everything. Without the imagination of people, science would be nothing, and there would be no way to create new theories or generate new technologies. How do you think science came to be? It wasn’t exactly just there. Someone thought of it. They imagined it. Not just science, but math, numbers, language. With imagination the human race glorious. We, as humans, strive with our imagination. The world wouldn’t be where it is if we didn’t have it. We’d probably still be waving clubs around and being amazed by fire. The world as we know it would be nothing without imagination, just as Fantasia was being destroyed without imagination. Imagination is the most important aspect of the human mind. Imagination leads to many of the core competencies, such as innovation, creativity, new technology, and imagination can also help you solve problems. Humans’ imagination is essential to the way we live. Even with things as simple as fashion, imagination is key. Without it, how could designers come up with the latest trends? Without the imagination, how could writers come up with the next top selling books? Musicians wouldn’t have new material to sing, and inventors couldn’t come up with new technologies. The point is, without imagination, there wouldn’t be the world as we know it.